August 12, 2011

How To Add SocialList Social Bookmarks below your Blog Post

Hi! my dear visitors. here is another social bookmarking gadget for your blog. this name is sociallist gadget! here is all of social bookmarking site list. social bookmarking has a greater importance for getting traffic ,recognition and attention from other Bloggers .I think you might have seen those bookmarking icons below all posts on my Blogger blog . So if someone likes my article , it would be easy for them to add it to their favorite bookmarking website. So you like add this social bookmarking gadget for your blog' now guys follow the simple steps below to do it:

1.Log in to your dashboard--> Design- -> Edit HTML

2.Click on "Expand Widget Templates"

3.Scroll down to where you see this:


4.After the above code , copy and paste the code below:

<!-- BEGIN -->
<script type="text/javascript">
sociallist_url = location.href;
sociallist_title = document.title;
sociallist_text = '';
sociallist_tags = '';
</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Bookmark this Website"><img src="" border="0" width="300" height="50" alt="Bookmark" /></a>
<!-- END -->

5.Click on "Save Templates" and refresh your site.

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